
Dogs Love Me: The Feeling's Mutual

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500 DKK
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Om Brian

Hello! I am an American living in the heart of Copenhagen. I moved here from Seattle in early 2016, following my heart to be with my now husband in this wonderful city. My top three passions are animals, football, and cycling around town. I lead a variety of tours in and around Copenhagen, and love to share what this city has to offer. Recently, we bought an andelsbolig near Torvehallerne in the city center, and I couldn't be happier about life here. However, there is one thing that is glaringly missing in my life... a pet (or many!).

While we're not ready to rescue a cat or dog yet due to our need for travel flexibility, I definitely need to have more animals in my life. Our previous apartment was around the corner from a dog park (Litauens Plads in Vesterbro) where I would often go for what I called "dog therapy". Watching dogs play and run around carefree would bring such joy to my soul and I felt like all of the problems in the world would go away for a while.

I currently work from home, doing video editing and marketing on my own flexible schedule. This allows me to easily accommodate the needs of your not only your pet, but also your schedule as well. I love walks with all dogs, and will take yours out multiple times a day, bordering on too much, as there are some amazing dog-friendly places just outside my door. We also have a nice enclosed back garden for quicker pee-walks or energy intensive playtimes outside. I live here with my husband, and we’re both big animal lovers. There are many options for where your pet can sleep at our apartment as a few wonderful pups have spent the night already. It is always better however if you can provide a bed or blanket from home to help your pet feel more comfortable here.

I always lead with love and patience, and would be incredibly honored to care for your pet(s) and provide for them everything they deserve. I am my best when I am outdoors, which I try to do as much as possible. I can't wait for the added bonus of being outside with a furry friend!

Please reach out if you would like to know anything further about me and my ability to love and care for your precious pets. I'm looking forward to meeting them!

Brians serviceydelser

Hjemme hos dyresitteren.

Pasning i dagtimerne hjemme hos passer
200 DKK for hvert ekstra kæledyr
500 DKK
Din hund overnatter hjemme hos en hundepasser
300 DKK for hvert ekstra kæledyr
700 DKK

Hjemme hos dig.

Et hjemmebesøg om dagen
Book en sitter, der kommer forbi for at fodre og lege med dit kæledyr hjemme hos dig.
250 DKK
To hjemmebesøg om dagen
Dit kæledyr får to daglige besøg i hjemmet
400 DKK

Brian tilbyder også


Annulleringsbetingelser: Fleksibel

Fuld refusion hvis annulleret før kl. 12 én dag før bookingstart, herefter 50%.

Der gives ingen refusion, hvis aflysningen gennemføres eller efter bookingens startdato.

Bemærk: Alle klokkeslæt er baseret på dyrepasserens tidszone.


Profilens autenticitet
Behandling af kæledyr
Pernille, 2022-04-13

Great communication with Brian. I believe our puppy was cared for in the best way


Om Brians hjem

Accepterede kæledyr

< 1 år
Accepterede hundestørrelser
0-80 kg
Accepterede hundealdre
0-20 år
Accepterede hundekøn
Hunkøn & Hankøn
alle slags
alle slags
Lille dyr
gnavere, kaniner, ...

Brians hjem

En lejlighed
Mellemstort udeområde
Har ingen børn
Overvågning døgnet rundt


Specifikke kompetencer

Jeg taler Engelsk
<1 års erfaring
Bekendt med hundetræningsteknikker
I currently dog sit a gorgeous Cavapoo here in Copenhagen when her mother is out of town. She would be a reference that I am happy to provide upon request. I also have experience house sitting, dog sitting, cat sitting, and have a lot of experience with raising my own pets (cats/dog/hamster) over the years as well.

Kan administrere

Oral medicinindgivning
Indsprøjtet medicin

Har erfaring med

Dyrevelfærd som frivillig
At redde kæledyr




Dogs Love Me: The Feeling's Mutual

Pasning i dagtimerne hjemme hos sitteren
200 DKK for hvert ekstra kæledyr
500 DKK
Alle tjenester og priser
Kontakt Brian

Annulleringsbetingelser: Fleksibel

Fuld refusion hvis annulleret før kl. 12 én dag før bookingstart, herefter 50%.

Der gives ingen refusion, hvis aflysningen gennemføres eller efter bookingens startdato.

Bemærk: Alle klokkeslæt er baseret på dyrepasserens tidszone.

Book via Pawshake, og få premium garanti, support, bookinggaranti, ingen bookingændringsgebyr, sikre kontantløse betalinger, billedopdateringer mere!

Kontakt Brian